Showing Appreciation: Building a Positive Relationship With Your Child

  1. Parenting Techniques
  2. Building a Positive Relationship With Your Child
  3. Showing Appreciation

As a parent, it can be hard to figure out how to best foster a positive relationship with your child. We all want our children to grow up feeling loved, appreciated, and valued for who they are and what they do. One of the best ways to show your appreciation and build a positive relationship with your child is to make sure that you are showing appreciation for their efforts.Showing appreciation for your child's efforts lets them know that you have noticed and recognize their accomplishments, no matter how big or small. It also helps boost their self-esteem, as they start to feel more valued and appreciated by their parents.

Furthermore, it can help motivate them to do better in the future. In this article, we'll discuss some tips and techniques for how to show appreciation for your child in order to build a strong and positive relationship with them. Showing appreciation is an important part of building a positive relationship with your child. It helps to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and encourages the child to be more responsible and confident. Appreciation can come in many forms, such as verbal praise, physical affection, quality time, and tangible rewards. In this article, you will learn the benefits of showing appreciation and how to do it in an effective way. The most common type of appreciation is recognition of effort.

Acknowledging your child's effort is a great way to show them that you value their hard work. This can be done by giving verbal praise or compliments. This helps to build your child's self-confidence and also reinforces positive behavior. Another way to show appreciation is by acknowledging their accomplishments.

This helps your child to feel valued and accepted for their achievements. Compliments are a great way to express appreciation, as they help your child feel good about themselves. Gifts and acts of kindness are also great ways to show appreciation and demonstrate that you care. It is important to find a balance between showing appreciation and avoiding overindulgence. Too much praise or rewards can lead to a sense of entitlement in your child, and can also create unrealistic expectations for the future.

It is important to recognize that there are times when it is appropriate to praise your child, such as when they do something kind for someone else or when they accomplish something difficult. It is also important to give constructive criticism when needed, as this helps your child learn from their mistakes. When showing appreciation, it is important to be specific. Saying something like “I'm so proud of you” is a nice sentiment, but it doesn't tell your child what they did that was so impressive. Instead, it's better to say something like “I'm so proud of you for getting an A on your math test” or “You did such a great job cleaning up your room without being asked”.

This type of specific praise will show your child that you noticed their effort and were impressed by it. Another way to show appreciation in an effective way is through words, gifts, or acts of kindness. Verbal praise or compliments are great ways to express appreciation in the moment. Giving a gift or an act of kindness shows your child that you are thinking of them and that you care about them. These types of expressions of appreciation can help build a strong relationship between you and your child. It is also important to set limits while still showing appreciation.

Setting boundaries helps children become more independent and responsible. For example, if your child wants to stay up late on a school night, you can explain why it's important for them to get enough sleep and then give them verbal praise for understanding why it's important. Showing appreciation is not only beneficial for children but for adults as well. Expressing appreciation helps strengthen relationships between parents and children, as well as other family members. It can also help create an atmosphere of respect and understanding within the family.

Expressing appreciation in different family dynamics can help foster trust and connection between family members. Finally, it is important to show appreciation for yourself as well as others. Recognizing your own efforts and accomplishments can help boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. Showing self-appreciation in different ways can help you feel valued and appreciated. This can also help you be more understanding towards others when they need recognition or acknowledgement. In conclusion, showing appreciation is an important part of building a positive relationship with your child.

It helps create an atmosphere of mutual respect and encourages the child to be more responsible and confident. There are many different ways to show appreciation, such as verbal praise, physical affection, quality time, tangible rewards, compliments, gifts, and acts of kindness. It is important to find a balance between showing appreciation and avoiding overindulgence, while still setting boundaries and expressing appreciation in different family dynamics. Finally, it is important to recognize your own accomplishments as well as those of others in order to foster strong relationships.

Showing Appreciation for Yourself

It is important to show appreciation for yourself as well as others.

Self-appreciation can help you recognize and celebrate your own accomplishments, hard work, and successes. When you take the time to acknowledge your own efforts and successes, it can help boost your self-esteem and morale. Additionally, when you appreciate yourself, it can help you become more confident in your abilities. Showing appreciation for others is also important.

When you take the time to recognize and appreciate the efforts of those around you, it can create a positive atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. It can also create an environment in which others feel comfortable and safe to express themselves. Showing appreciation for yourself and others is an important part of creating strong relationships and a positive atmosphere. Taking the time to recognize your own accomplishments and hard work, as well as that of those around you, can have a profound impact on your relationships and overall outlook on life.

The Benefits of Showing Appreciation

Showing appreciation can have many benefits for both a parent and their child.

It helps create a positive atmosphere of mutual respect, encourages the child to take on more responsibility, and boosts their self-confidence. When a child feels appreciated and valued, they are more likely to form stronger relationships with those around them.

Feeling Valued and Accepted

Showing appreciation to your child lets them know that their efforts are noticed and valued. Acknowledging their successes or accomplishments can help build their self-esteem and give them a sense of purpose.

Developing Self-Confidence

When a child knows they are appreciated, it boosts their self-confidence. Knowing that they are capable of achieving great things will make them more confident in their abilities and more willing to take on new challenges.

Fostering Respect

Showing appreciation also fosters respect between a parent and their child.

When a child knows that their parent values them and takes the time to recognize their efforts, it helps create an atmosphere of mutual respect.

Strengthening Relationships

Finally, showing appreciation strengthens the relationship between a parent and their child. Acknowledging your child's efforts sends the message that you care about them and appreciate the time and effort they put into something. This can help create a strong bond between you and your child.

Different Ways of Showing Appreciation

When it comes to parenting, showing appreciation can be an invaluable tool in building a positive relationship with your child. Expressing appreciation is a powerful way to show that you recognize your child's efforts and accomplishments.

It also helps to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and encourages the child to be more confident and responsible. There are many different ways of showing appreciation, such as verbal praise, physical affection, quality time, tangible rewards, recognition of effort, acknowledgement of accomplishments, compliments, gifts, and acts of kindness.

Verbal Praise

: This is the simplest and most direct way of expressing appreciation. Take time to notice when your child does something good and tell them how proud you are. For example, if your child has worked hard on a project or task, let them know that you noticed and appreciate it.

Physical Affection

: Showing physical affection is another way to show appreciation. A hug or a kiss can go a long way in conveying love and appreciation.

It also helps to create an atmosphere of mutual respect.

Quality Time

: Taking time out of your day to spend quality time with your child is one of the best ways to express your appreciation. This could include playing together, reading a book or doing something special like baking cookies.

Tangible Rewards

: Tangible rewards can be a great way to show your appreciation for a job well done. This could include special treats like a new toy or a trip to the movies.

Recognition of Effort

: It's important to recognize and appreciate the effort that your child puts into something even if the results aren't perfect. Letting them know that you noticed their hard work can go a long way in encouraging them to keep trying.

Acknowledgement of Accomplishments

: Acknowledging accomplishments is a great way to show your appreciation for their successes.

Celebrate their achievements by praising them or taking them out for a special dinner.


: Complimenting your child on their character traits is another way to show appreciation. Focusing on things like their kindness, intelligence, creativity or sense of humor can help them feel valued.


: Giving gifts is another way to show your appreciation for your child. Whether it's a small token or something more significant, gifts can be a great way to let them know you care.

Acts of Kindness

: Doing small acts of kindness can also be a great way to show appreciation. Whether it's helping with chores around the house or taking them out for ice cream, these small gestures can go a long way in expressing your love and gratitude.

Tips for Showing Appreciation Effectively

Showing appreciation to your child is an essential part of parenting and can help build a strong relationship between you and your child.

Expressing appreciation effectively is key to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouraging your child to be more responsible and confident. Here are some tips on how to show appreciation effectively:Give Authentic Compliments and AcknowledgementsGiving genuine compliments and acknowledgements is one of the most important ways to show appreciation. When your child does something well, take the time to let them know how proud you are. You can also acknowledge your child’s efforts, even if the result wasn’t as great as you would have liked.

Letting your child know that you appreciate their efforts will help them feel valued and appreciated.

Express Appreciation in Different Ways

Showing appreciation doesn’t just have to be through verbal compliments or acknowledgements. You can show appreciation through physical affection, like hugs or high-fives, or through gifts or treats. You can also use activities or experiences, like going on a special outing together or taking them to a movie they’ve been wanting to see.

Set Boundaries While Still Expressing Appreciation

When expressing appreciation, it’s important to set boundaries. You want your child to feel valued and appreciated, but it’s also important that they understand that there are still rules and expectations that need to be followed.

Letting your child know that while you appreciate them, they still need to abide by the rules will help them understand the importance of respecting authority.

Be Consistent

When expressing appreciation, it’s important to be consistent. Make sure that you’re expressing appreciation regularly and letting your child know that their actions are appreciated. Being consistent will help your child feel more valued and respected. Showing appreciation is an important part of building a positive relationship with your child, and it can benefit both children and adults in many ways. Appreciation creates an atmosphere of mutual respect and encourages children to be more confident and responsible.

It also helps to foster trust, communication, and understanding between parents and children. It is important to make an effort to show your appreciation more often, as it can have a positive impact on the relationship between you and your child. There are many different ways to show appreciation to your child. It can be as simple as saying “thank you” or giving a hug. You can also give compliments and praise for things they do well.

No matter how you choose to show your appreciation, make sure it comes from the heart. Showing your child that you appreciate them is one of the best ways to build a strong relationship.

Paul Delaney
Paul Delaney

"Paul Delaney is Director at Content Ranked, a London-based digital marketing agency. He has been working in Education since the 1990s and has more than 15 years digital marketing experience in the sector.As Director at he focuses on SEO strategy for educational organisations; and Paul's expert team support clients with on-page, off-page and technical SEO. He is also Marketing Director at Seed Educational Consulting Ltd, a study abroad agency that helps African students study at university abroad. He has also held significant positions at multinational education brands, including Business Development Director at TUI Travel PLC, Area Manager at Eurocentres Foundation, and Sales Office Manager at OISE.Paul holds a postgraduate diploma in Digital Marketing from the Digital Marketing Institute, BA in Publishing from Edinburgh Napier University, and a RSA/Cambridge CELTA.Outside of Education Paul is experienced in event promotion, production, and performance in the music industry."